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About: Mercy Network exists to serve vulnerable families in Mongolia who need immediate physical (food), emotional, relational, and spiritual support. We are a faith-driven mercy ministry that believes in equipping and working with local churches and volunteers in the community to create a sustainable cycle of care for those in need.

As the whole world is going through a pandemic, we all are experiencing different hardships. The Mercy Network project has been providing 48-70 families for an entire month worth of food since 2020. In 2023, the Mercy Network project is building its Community Center by collaborating with Children’s Hunger Fund NGO. The Center will have the holistic community transformation program to support low-income families and each member of the family will benefit from the program by being educated. Mercy Network will not only provide bread to the families, but also will teach them how to make their own bread.

Help us to deliver mercy, love, and hope to those who are in desperate need. Please join us and make a lasting impact on vulnerable families by partnering with Mercy Network?

Duration: Monthly based food delivery

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


  • Pandemic Relief

  • Local Outreach

  • Faith in Action

  • Mercy Ministry

  • Local Church Partnership

  • Food Pack



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