Serve and Lead is a initiative that works with leaders in the public sector to develop servant leaders with vision, character, and competence to change society. We are proud to have hosted several key leaders, including two parliament members and several high-ranking officials, in Washington DC. We took them to attend the National Prayer Breakfast for strategic networking and connecting with like-minded politicians who are living out their faith in politics around the world.

Since then, several initiatives have taken place through these empowered leaders, including the Grow Mongolia 2019 Ethics conference, the Mongolian National Prayer Breakfast 2020, Ministry of Education Leadership Training 2020, Public Service Women’s Leadership Gatherings 2021, and ongoing mentorship support. We are honored to walk alongside these leaders who are called to politics and public office, providing strategic relationships, advisory services, mentorship, and innovative project initiations.


Since then, several initiatives have taken place through these empowered leaders, including the Grow Mongolia 2019 Ethics conference, the Mongolian National Prayer Breakfast 2020, Ministry of Education Leadership Training 2020, Public Service Women’s Leadership Gatherings 2021, and ongoing mentorship support. We are honored to walk alongside these leaders who are called to politics and public office, providing strategic relationships, advisory services, mentorship, and innovative project initiations.

We are grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Mongolian citizens through the development of servant leaders. Our work is made possible by the support of our partners and the dedication of our team. We are excited to continue building relationships and making a positive impact in Mongolia.
